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How you can help the Academy and the community we serve

As we strive to sustain and enhance the services we provide to those who serve...


 ...We Need Your Help.

For over 17 years, the National Maritime Law Enforcement Academy as a non-profit organization has been an international leader in training, education, exercises and consultation to the professionals that patrol, protect and preserve our waterways. And we've done this without any outside or grant funding. But as the world around us evolves and changes, as challenges and expectations increase at the local, county, state, and federal levels, we too must evolve, expand, and enhance our services, products and offerings to remain in service to those who serve.


To meet the demands of this changing environment, and to provide the world's best resources to the maritime law enforcement and public safety community, we need your help.


In 2017, we have revitalized the Academy and embarked on a new journey with the implementation of a five year Strategic Plan. Now, as a member-driven organization, there are five major areas that are critical to our operational sustainment, empowered growth and continued success. The five areas and their respective funding goals are:


  • The Training and Education to Advance Knowledge and Skills through Scholarships (TEAKS) Program - $100,000 Goal


  • The Maritime Guardian Government Affairs, Advocacy and Assistance in Public Policy (GAP) Program- $100,000 Goal


  • The Services to Help Injured (or fallen) officers and Provide Members Assistance Through Extended Support (SHIPMATES) Fund - $100,000 Goal


  • The "Plank-by-Plank" Growth Fund - $150,000 Goal


  • The "Ready for Ops" General Fund - $150,000 Goal


We need your help, in order to help those who patrol, protect and preserve our lakes, rivers, bays, harbors, and coastlines.



An Outline of Each Program and its Goals and Objectives


1. The TEAKS Program - Maritime Training and Education to Advance Knowledge and Skills through Scholarships


One of the biggest issues we see and hear from the maritime law enforcement community all across the country is funding for training. Agencies of all sizes, and officers from local, county, and state organizations are continuously clamoring for funding to support the training that they know they need. Add to this issue the fact that the workforce is changing dynamically, and that the requirements for maritime law enforcement officers is increasing while budgets are decreasing. All part of a "perfect storm" that we outline in a White Paper, Navigating the Changing Seascape of Maritime Public Safety. This is magnified in those smaller departments that only need training for just a few officers. They either don't qualify for some of the federal grants, or don't have the resources to apply for those programs


One of the goals of the Academy that has been in place since its inception back in 2000, was providing training to everyone and doing it as cost effectively and affordably as possible. The TEAKS Program will allow us to provide training to officers, departments and regions at no cost to them through this scholarship fund. By reaching our $100,000 goal, we will be able to provide training to over 50 officers, anywhere in the country. To donate to the TEAKS Program, click here.


2. The Maritime Guardian Government Affairs, Advocacy and Assistance in Public Policy (GAP) Program


Another area that continues to affect maritime law enforcement at the local, county and state level is advocacy. Specifically, there has been no national and unified voice to represent the concerns, challenges and needs at all levels of government. Additionally, as events and issues arise, assistance in public policy from a national organization that represents the community of professionals from all across the country can be of significant value to every agency. Through the Maritime Guardian Government Affairs, Advocacy and Assistance in Public Policy Program, the Academy will fill (and close) the "GAP" by providing access to experienced government officials and public relations professionals who can help officers, departments and agencies articulate their issues from a national perspective, and with the support of members from all across America. With our goal of $100,000, we can provide direct consultation, travel for subject matter experts to support an agency's initiative or response, provide guidance regarding policies, and provide training to leadership related to government and community affairs... all at not coast to the members that need these essential services in today's challenging environment. To donate to the Maritime GAP Program, click here.


3.  The SHIPMATES Fund - Services to Help Injured (or fallen) officers and Provide Members Assistance Through Extended Support 


Nothing is more important to our maritime law enforcement community than the support we can offer them and their families when an injury occurs in the line of duty. Or, in even graver circumstance, when an officer loses their life when patrolling, protecting and preserving our maritime domain, it is imperative that we support their loved ones and demonstrate that we are truly an extended and loving brother and sisterhood. The SHIPMATES Fund of $100,000 will be used to provide the resources, aid and assistance to the officers and their families as needed, and to ensure that their sacrifices never go unnoticed, unappreciated or forgottenTo donate to the SHIPMATES Fund, click here.


4. The "Plank-by-Plank" Growth Fund


As stated in the opening paragraph, the world around us is evolving. And in order to meet the needs of our members, we must grow with the maritime law enforcement community and enhance our capabilities and the services we provide. And we need to grow step-by-step, or, like the ship building business of old, we must build plank-by-plank. By raising this fund of $150,000, we will be able to add the resources that are essential to the growth of the academy and to our members, including (but not limited to) additional subject matter experts on our staff to facilitate the expansion of our administrative, legal, grant, training, education, technology, policy, consultation and member service capabilities; establishment of a resident training partnership to expand our training offerings; additional learning technologies so that our training and education efforts can have broader reach to every agency and officer in the country; addition and expansion of our online store products and offerings to better provide and equip our maritime guardians; and expansion of our research capabilities to provide vital data to our members, agency leadership and industry partners. To donate to the "Plank-by-Plank" Growth Fund, click here.


5. The "Ready for Ops" General Fund


Every organization requires an operating budget to function on a day-to-day basis. The Read for Ops Fund of $150,000 ensures that we are ready to operate all facets of the Academy services, including (but not limited to) allowing the staff to coordinate and deliver regional conferences and workshops to foster a "local" academy presence; develop instructors and associated training programs to grow and enhance our curricula; establish outreach initiatives to ensure our contact with every maritime law enforcement officer in the nation;  facilitate and conduct research relative to current issues and challenges in support of our members, their leaders and their agencies; manage, maintain and enhance our digital and technological resources; and other essential operational services that are vital to our members and the MLEO community. To donate to the "Ready for Ops" Growth Fund, click here.

Serving those who serve and protect.


Contact us today. Click here, tell us your needs, and discover how we can serve you.



© Copyright 2017 National Maritime Law Enforcement Academy

The National Maritime Law Enforcement Academy is a non-profit organization, established in the State of Colorado.

The International Maritime Law Enforcement Academy, LLC is a business established in the State of Colorado.
Academy Offices are located in Washington, DC, Florida, and Colorado.

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