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After-Action Report from Las Vegas Shooting Released: To First Responders, An Important Read

Mark DuPont

In case you haven't seen it, a good read from the Las Vegas incident can be found at this link: (If this link doesn't work and you need a copy, let us know by sending an email to, and we will send it to you.) There are some specific parts of this report that are good to note and emphasize within our Active Shooter training. From the executive summary:

"The Importance of coordinated planning across agencies cannot be understated in terms of its impact on this response. When agencies followed pre-established plans and procedures, they improved communication and strengthened the response. Where plans were not integrated or not widely known and understood by responders across all responding agencies, difficulties arise. Strengthening plans, policies and procedures across Southern Nevada, [and the country’s] public safety agencies will reinforce their capabilities, allowing them to respond as effective as possible in future emergencies."

Some highlights of the region's preparedness prior to this event include:

  • The region's Multi-Assault Counter-Terrorism Action Capabilities (MACTAC) developed in response to the 2009 Mumbai Attack.

  • A "Whole Community" approach has been taken to improve operational coordination across agencies.

  • Southern Nevada Fire Operations (SNFO) Hostile MCI Working Group established to develop integrated fire response policy and ICS training to augment LE existing ASI policies.

  • Extensive training, exercises and collaboration among the LE, fire and private sector, including the embedding of Fire personnel in the LE training division.

Some highlights of the response:

  • The first call was received 1 minute after the first shots rang out.

  • LEOs arrive on the 31st floor of the Mandalay Bay with armed security officers within 6 minutes of the first shot. (shooter was on the 32nd floor)

  • 10 minutes after the first shot, the shooting stops.

  • LVMPD (LE) created a staging area that worked efficiently and effectively, deploying teams within minutes

  • Additional Contact Teams arrive on the 32nd floor within 12 minutes of the first call.

  • A triage area is established by FD within 13 minutes from the initial shots.

  • Unified Command is established within 15 minutes.

  • The first Rescue Task Forces enter the scene 56 minutes from the first shot.

  • Coordination was required among 9 LE agencies, 4 FDs, and 3 private ambulance companies

There were 72 observations made in the report, and with each, a number of recommendations. All of them worth reading and reviewing, and applying some of the lessons learned in your area of operation. For more information about Active Shooter training, contact the Academy at

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The National Maritime Law Enforcement Academy is a non-profit organization, established in the State of Colorado.

The International Maritime Law Enforcement Academy, LLC is a business established in the State of Colorado.
Academy Offices are located in Washington, DC, Florida, and Colorado.

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