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Gregory "Cruz" Grutter

Changing the Training Mindset

I long to see the day where we hold training in the highest regard. Where we look to the training days as just that, a day to train. Where the command staff clearly understand the difference between training and qualification. That training is an event where education and preparation come together. Where it is acceptable to safely train outside of one’s comfort zone. To question, test and find the truth in the tactics, skills and techniques we provide to our rank and file for their survival. Where the staff and officers are provided with appropriate training and are encouraged to participate and get involved. Where the instructors are skilled, encouraging, motivated, passionate and knowledgeable. Where we are permitted to make mistakes because in the real world we cannot.

Just think how we could increase officer survival and decrease liability to the department or agency.

Interactive Gunfighting LLC along with NMLEA takes the best from years of good and not so good training. Years of being a student and a teacher of combat arts. Years of military, law enforcement and civilian firearms and tactics training and we bring the best of all of that to our students.

One of the training aids we use is a simple acronym we used back in the military. First introduced to us years and years ago, but still holds true to this day. The acronym is EDIP. Explain, Demonstrate, Imitate, Practice.

Explain - To make sure all have an understanding of the topic at hand. To give the how’s and the whys, as to better understand and explore the topic.

Demonstrate - To ensure that all learning styles are covered and the finer points can clearly be seen.

Imitate - Allow the trainee to now imitate the skill or technique for approval and evaluation.

Practice - Now allow the trainee to practice slow and as perfect as possible. Then start to ramp it up. Get safely to the point where things come apart. This will help the trainee to understand a deeper self-awareness of their skills. Now have them dial it in and work on perfection.

No egos, no reminiscent mumbles of ‘what I used to be able to do’ or war stories that inevitably waste time. Just good solid training reinforced by education and a depth of knowledge. Where the teacher/instructor is willing and expects questions. Where the teacher is required to not only talk about the topic but to show it. Does he or she need to be the best, No Sir. But they need to be able to do it at a high proficiency. Where our officers are now looking forward to training once again. Not looking to find any way possible to get out of it.

Come see a new standard in training and make bang with us. Contact me today to learn more about you can learn. Click here.


Gregory Cruz

Gregory “Cruz” Grutter is an experienced law enforcement officer, 100% Disabled Veteran, Military Wounded Warrior and Combat Veteran nominated for the Silver Star for Combat Valor, Awarded Bronze Star with Valor and Purple Heart Medal for an operation while assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), along with other prestigious awards.

A highly experienced competitive shooter, master firearms and tactics teacher and lifelong student of the tactical/shooting arts, “Cruz” was the Chief Firearms Instructor at the prestigious Smith & Wesson Academy. He was also a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security/Federal Air Marshal firearms program (Boston Office) in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. He was medically retired in 2014 from the Federal Air Marshals due to his combat injuries.

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